Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Thank you all for the visits, thoughts, cards, prayers, comments and responses to our email announcement last weekend. So far, all is going as expected in our household . . . Max is sleeping lots, though not at night; Ruby's pride for "her" new baby continues to grow, though she's working hard to let us know that she's still the center of the universe; Mommy and Daddy are quickly learning just how much more there is to consider with kids (plural), and have a growing sense of awe at parents of multiples!!

Anyways, there's been no shortage of pictures being taken lately, so here are a few of our recent gems . . .

The first one is the first storytime with Ruby, Max, and Mommy together. As you can see, Ruby's now more interested in the baby than in the books (and she loves here books!).
The other 2 are from a less-than-successful attempt at getting some nice shots outside this morning. If you look at closely at the last pic, you'll see that Max even fussed the color out of his face. We took that as a sign to come back inside!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the great pics, and the comment about parents of multiples. But I definately think that having a 2 year old and a newborn would be much, much harder than having 2 babies! I'm sure that Ruby's such a big help, but you have to deal with the competition and jealousness. Noah and Jenna don't know any better! You're in our prayers!!

Michelle & Scott