Friday, April 20, 2007

Big Boy!!

In Denmark, the social healthcare system provides for a visit from a nurse/midwife periodically to check in on baby and parents, answer any questions the parents might have, and finally to weigh and measure the child. Today, our midwife dropped in for the first time, and measured our "little" boy at 5.2 kg (11lbs 7oz)! That's a half kilo (>1lb) heavier than a week ago! I thought those diapers were getting tighter!!

And, never one to deprive you all of more pictures of Ruby and Max, we got a couple of funny shots of Ruby posing as the family's new fitness trainer. Move over Jane Fonda! And thanks Nana for the new sneakers!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! 11 lbs, 7 oz! That's about the weight of Noah and Jenna at 3 1/2 months!! At least I get to hold one of them occasionally so I get a little taste of baby holding.

Sounds like you're doing a great job breastfeeding. Hope you're feeling stronger, too. Love the pix. I can't believe how long Ruby's hair is. She's a doll -- of course I'm just a little bit prejudiced.

Love Momma K