Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A friendly reminder!

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up (again) that I've started a new blog. Don't erase your link to this one yet as I still have a few more pics from DK to get up here.

For the skinny on all that's happening in the here and now, click on over to "those nutty nelsons". Ya'll come back real soon now... ya hear?!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

God Jul!

Ruby and Carter were both all dressed up for our last Sunday at FIBC, so we decided to try to snap a few pictures. As you can see, they were really "hammin' it up" for the camera!

Notice Ruby's studying the Danish hymnal upside down!

Carter had a major case of the giggles!

Best buddies.

Can't... stop... laughing!

Our little ar-tists!

We were so sad to say goodbye to our friends at FIBC. We pray that our paths will cross again!

Around the house...

Things were pretty busy around the house and the number of toys in the house were going down fast as I gave away and sold things as fast as I could. The kiddos did a pretty good job amusing themselves anyway...

Max started pulling up to things... so much fun to get into things that Mommy thought were out of reach!

Ruby and Max both loved jumping on their "big blue ball". I know you can't see it, but it's one of those big exercise balls. Let me tell you... the kids are the ones who've done the most exercise on it! We were able to deflate it and put it in the suitcase much to everyone's delight!

We were so thankful that Kay was able to come and help for the last week and a half. It was exhausting for everyone, but without Mama Kay we NEVER would have made it out of that house in time. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of Kay from that time. Seems we were too busy packing, scrubbing, and squeezing in last minute visits with our friends. It was a precious time.