These are actually three weeks old now (37 weeks). I won't make anyone look at my glorious stretch marks anymore though!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Preggie Pics
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1:47 PM
Ungdomshuset Riots
Here are some pictures of the mess that the "kids" left rioting right by our church. These were actually taken about 36 hours after the riots, so the city had already cleaned up a lot of it, but the scars still remain. They burned up at least half a dozen cars and lots of newspapers, picnic tables and trash cans. They also tore bricks out of the road and threw them through windows and at policemen. Their building has since been torn down andthey are now squatting in the square in front of City Hall in downtown Copenhagen. Why anyone would supposrt these hooligans is beyond me, but they do have supporters (though not as many after the violent riots a few weeks ago).
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1:39 PM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
A whole bunch of pics!
Hello all! I don't seem to have the energy or motivation to write anything much, but I do have some awfully cute pictures of Ruby, so I think I'll just post those up today. For those that are wondering... still no baby! My midwife said that the little guy will likely be late, so not to pin my hopes on this Sunday. I am trying not to, but I must say that I am anxious to have this pregnancy done with and have this sweet baby in my arms instead of my tummy! Anyhoo, here are the pictures!
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10:47 AM
Monday, March 19, 2007
Life around the Nelson House
Things have been busy around the Nelson house the last few weeks. We've all been busy getting ready for little brother to make his debut. One of my tasks has been sorting through all of Ruby's things to find things she's grown out of (including clothes and toys) and boxing them up. In the sorting process, she decided that it might be fun to put herself up in the shelves! I'm not really sure how she managed to climb in there, but she was pretty much stuck until Jared rescued her!
We have also had some periodic cold weather during which Ruby has learned all about the wonders of hot chocolate (otherwise known as "Hot-Choc!" in Ruby-ese). Jared introduced her to the sweet treat when I was out at a friend's baby shower. Now, anytime we go outside she thinks about wanting her "hot-choc". I've learned that I can also get away with putting just a dab of Nesquik in her milk and that is also considered acceptable "hot-choc"!
This last week we had some really beautiful springy weather, so Ruby finally got a chance to try out her bike from last summer again. She just went right to those pedals with her little feet and is starting to get the hang of being able to move on her own. She still prefers to be pushed by Mommy or Daddy though.Jared got me a HUGE pot of daffodils for Valentine's Day which were able to enjoy for a few weeks. Here's Ruby with her nose buried deep! She just loves flowers. Daddy also got a bouquet of red tulips for Ruby. They were so pretty and another big hit.
In other news, I have been keeping busy with Moms'N'Tots. We currently have five moms in our group and are just about to finish our second book, Five Star Families by Carol Kuykendall. It has been a pretty good book for our group that had all of us looking back at the things we really love about the families we grew up in and what we'd like our own families to look like. Next, we're moving on to a few books for us as women and our walk with God. I also just joined a ladies small group that meets one evening a week. I really think that it will be so good for me, not only doing the Bible study, but getting out on my own for some "me time". It really does recharge my tank and helps me get my attitude back on course for my family. Jared has really been enjoying his small group where they are discussing, The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel. Every week they seem to have very good discussions and it really has helped Jared to analyze why he believes the things that he does. Jared has also been busy preparing for the Easter musical at church which he will be a part of. I just hope that I get to see it!!
Well, I'll try to get a few more posts up soon. I have some preggie shots and other pictures of Ruby that I'd like to share before I'm not pregnant anymore! We're down to less than two weeks until the due date and having lots of signs that this baby boy could make his debut soon. Keep us in your prayers!
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5:36 PM
Thursday, March 01, 2007
The Children's Workshop
I don't have much time (or energy) today, but I wanted to post a few pictures of Ruby from a family outing we took to the Statens Museum of Kunst. This art museum holds some of the works owned by the royal family, as well as various travelling exhibits. I'd have to say that we weren't terribly impressed with the museum itself, but it's not a bad trip especially since it's right in town and the admission is free. (You definitely can't beat free in our book!)
They did have one area that we particulary were hoping to visit--the Children's Workshop. For 20kr (about $3.50) per child (parents are free). The kids can try their hands at various artsy things. For Ruby's age they had modeling clay in oodles of colors that she was able to bring home and painting. Ruby was primarily interested in taking little pinches of every color of clay and putting it into a tub and mixing it all up. We did get her to try rolling out a few snakes, etc. but she just wasn't really into it. At home, I've found that she enjoys using cookie cutters with playdough, but that wasn't available there.
The painting was really great, especially because all of the supplies were there for us--smocks, easels, paint brushes, plates already squirted with various colors of paint. It was right up Ruby's alley and she seemed to really enjoy it. At the time that we went she was in a major "circles" mode, which was reflected in her artwork. I thought that she really did a great job holding a brush for the first time...maybe not proper, but effective!
Well, that's all for today. We've got rioting in the city today fairly close to where Jared's working, so that's our big excitement! If you want to know more google "Ungdomshuset" or search on Wikipedia. Basicially it's just a bunch of hooligans that wants the government to roll over and play dead...nothing new there. Hope things are considerably calmer where ever you are!
Oh, and I just had to let everyone know that our trash DID get collected yesterday and it was a huge mess as predicted, but they took it. Thank God!!
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4:26 PM